Breathe new life into dull, dry skin with one of our state-of-the-art, age-defying treatments. Your skin will radiate health and beauty.


A deep exfoliation treatment, much like microdermabrasion, for your face and decolette that will restore cell activity and promote skin health. This treatment replenishes natural nutrients and restores cell activity.  Helps to refine pores and minimize the appearance of sun damage, acne scarring, age spots and fine lines. While one treatment can yield some results, we recommend a series of six treatments, particularly when the goal is to reduce hyperpigmentation, fine lines and scarring. 

60 minutes, $90

*Recommended in a series of 4 for best results.


Dermaplaning, or blading, is an exfoliating treatment that provides an alternative to chemical peels or microsweep and is a good choice for anyone who has fine facial hair, extremely sensitive skin, redness or rosacea, or visible facial veins. The normal skin growth cycle is around 30 days and since dermaplaning removes about 2-3 weeks-worth of dead skin cells, it’s best to wait about 3-4 weeks between treatments.

60 minutes, $55

*Individual prices will be reduced with the purchase of any series. 

**All Treatments and Chemical Peels that cause skin cell turnover are used for Anti-Aging